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Welcome to Landmarks
for Schools. One of the earliest educational websites on the Internet, Landmarks
has served teachers since 1995 with links to teaching and learning resources
on the Net and valuable Web tools.
Bad News:
Due to a unforseen series of unfortunate occurrances, not the least of which has been the souring popularity of some of the Landmark tools, my web hosting company is not currently able to continue hosting all of my web services. Of principle concern to the readers of this message are the temporary discontinuences of:- Citation Machine,
- PiNet Library, &
- BlogMeister
I am working on a number of plans to bring services back up again, with the goal being to be at 100% in the next few days.
Please accept my sincere apologies. I know how much that many of you have grown to depend on these services.
M y B o o k s
Global Grocery List is a long standing project that generates real, peer collected data for student computation, analysis, and conclusion-building within the context of social studies, science, mathematics and other disciplines.
Global Grocery List began on FrEdMail, a distributed educational network of the Global SchoolNet Foundation, in December of 1987. Since then it has collected grocery prices from classes all over the world and provided real data for examining important issues of our local and global communities.
A unique combination of vision for retooling classrooms for an information-driven, technology rich world, and practical techniques that can be implemented today, to prepare students for their future.