Speaking BOOLEAN

The Boolean search language is named after George Boole, a 19th century mathematician. Boolean searching is a way of defining to search engines and other search tools, the information that you seek. It provides a way of including relevant topics and excluding irrelevant topics, filtering out unwanted information.

This online handout was produced by David Warlick, david@gsn.org.

Topic Description Example
AND "AND" is a connector. It requires that all hits (web pages that fullfil the search criteria) must have both keywords connected by the "AND". This connector tends to decrease the number of hits. Bulls AND Basketball

Both "Bulls" and "Basketball"
will be present in selected web

OR "OR" is also a connector. It requires that either of the connected keywords be present in the hits...or both. This connector tends to increase the number of hits. earthquake OR seismology

This search will select web pages
that have either "earthquake" or
"seismology", or both

NOT "NOT" preceeds keywords that must not appear in selected web pages. This connector tends to decrease the number of hits. earthquake NOT engineer

This search will select web
pages that include the word
"earthquake" but do not include
the word "engineer". This serves
to filter out web pages related
to engineering buildings to prevent
earthquake damage.

Quotes ("") Quotes are used to define phrases. Keywords that are enclosed in quotes will searched as they appear in the quotes. This technique is good for finding specific titles of documents, such as "The Declaration of Independence" "William Shakespeare"

This will search for pages with
the words "William" and
"Shakespeare" with the "W"
and "S" capitalized and the
remaining letters in lower case.

Parentheses The parentheses defines the order for keywords. Relationships or phrases enclosed within parentheses will be tested before relations outside of parentheses. Think, algebra! (earthquake AND recent) NOT
(engineer OR candy)

This search will first find pages with
both "earthquake" and "recent",
also pages with "engineer" or
"candy". This is because they are
in parentheses. Then it will
follow the NOT connector
to filter out all pages with
"engineer" or "candy".